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Analysis on the development prospect of industrial detergents in China

Analysis on the development prospect of industrial detergents in China

With the construction of China's resource-saving and environment-friendly society and the Chinese government's efforts to increase energy conservation and emission reduction, adhering to environmentally friendly cleaning agents to reduce pollution emissions has become a continuous development of China's environmental cleaning agent cleaning industry. Long-term goals. Only by continuously developing and using new environmentally friendly cleaning technology and products can we continuously improve our competitiveness and
Special nano functional protective coating

Special nano functional protective coating

Nanotechnology now includes nanobiology, nanoelectronics, nanomaterials, nanomechanics, and nanochemistry. From micron technology including nanoelectronics to nanotechnology, human beings are increasingly deepening into the microcosm, and the level of people's understanding and transformation of the microcosm has risen to an unprecedented height. Qian Xuesen, a famous scientist in China, has also pointed out that the structure of nanometers and below is a key point in the next stage of scientific
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